Required annual harassment prevention training will be assigned March 1, in Workday and must be completed by 5 p.m. on April 12, as part of WashU’s ongoing commitment to creating a positive learning and working environment for everyone. Each training module can take up to 90 minutes to complete and is considered work time.
All employees will be assigned one training based on their work location (Illinois or non-Illinois) and job role (staff, faculty, trainees, managerial role and/or association with the School of Medicine) at the university. Faculty will be assigned harassment prevention training that includes supervisory content regardless of if they have direct reports. Most employees have been assigned the Illinois Compliant course, even if they do not work in Illinois. View how assignments have been made online.
This year, training will be assigned and completed in Workday Learning, an expanded portfolio of Workday that provides learning management components. Once the required training is assigned, you will receive an email from Workday ( Find step-by-step instructions in the harassment prevention training tutorial. Based on feedback from last year, new training scenarios have been selected and updated.
Known issue: Some individuals are reporting problems on the Safari web browser and on mobile devices. If you’re using a mobile device and/or Safari, please try Chrome, Edge, or Firefox on a non-mobile (desktop) computer. The Workday Support Team is partnering with our vendors to identify and resolve the root cause of this problem.
Continuing Education Credits
For employees interested in continuing education specific to Illinois licensing requirements, the assigned training module assigned to WashU’s School of Medicine employees will meet the state of Illinois licensure requirement for Sexual Harassment Prevention continuing education. The certificate available in Workday Learning is sufficient for proof of completion of the education. Employees are able to generate and print their own certificates in Workday Learning. Please refer to this tutorial for step-by-step instructions and let me know if you have any questions. You will not be asked to upload a certificate with the licensure renewal application, but you should keep it in your records in the event of audit. For more information about state of Illinois continuing education requirements, view the Meeting IL Licensing Education Requirements.
Additionally, AMA/ANCC credit will once again be available for free on the WashU CME website for WashU physicians, nurses, and PAs who complete a short evaluation. You will receive additional information from the CME office regarding how to claim credit within two weeks of completing the module. If you have any questions about credit, please contact
Reporting Resources
Departmental HR Partners and Leads will have access to run specific compliance reporting in Workday RPT7268 – WU – Learner Status Report for Assigned Learning, to review employee completion in your designated school, department or division. Find and Run a Report directions is available online. If you do not have access to run this report, work with your security contact to request the appropriate access. Please allow five days for this request to be reviewed and approved.
Managers can view direct report learning status on the My Team Management dashboard in Workday or run RPT7266 – My Team’s Open Learning Assignments to view compliance of their direct reports. Find step-by-step instructions online through Workday@WashU. Reports can also be scheduled to view who on your team has completed or not completed the required assigned course.
This annual training requirement is one aspect of respectfully working together. WashU leadership recognizes these training simulations can be troubling for some employees, yet are necessary to showcase inappropriate workplace behavior. As a reminder, any employee can report concerns about the workplace through the Washington University Reporting Hotline or call 1-844-484-5957. For more information, read WashU’s Discrimination and Harassment Policy.
Questions regarding Workday Learning should be submitted as a ServiceNow ticket to the Workday team. Compliance questions may be emailed to